Managing The Stress of a New Year

Photo by  Matt Popovich  on  Unsplash

Color With Pigment

2020 was arguably one of the most challenging years for the majority of us, causing people everywhere to experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Thankfully, we’ve made it this far and have finally entered into the new year! But, after all the trials, tragedies, and tears we’ve endured this past year, it’s pivotal that we use 2021 as an opportunity to restore our hope and well-being. This is why practicing self-care strategies in the new year is so important. Self-care techniques are simple ways to help you cope with stress and prioritize your health as they work to reset and relax your mind and body. 

The list of self-care strategies you can do during this time are honestly endless. To learn about some of the different approaches to kickstart this new year, keep reading on!

Start Your Day Earlier
As the common saying goes, the “early bird catches the worm,” or, in other words, the earlier you start your day, the more likely you are to experience success. This is especially true during this time of year as the number of daylight hours are shorter throughout the winter months. Beginning your day earlier will allow you to better manage your new year resolutions because you’ll have more time to get things done and make time for yourself. Thereby working to mitigate feelings of stress and ultimately, establish healthy self-care practices in the new year.

Pro tip: To effortlessly set and stick to a new wake up time, you’ll want to focus on altering your sleep schedule to help your circadian rhythm find its new groove. To do this, try your best to go to bed around the same time every night and set your alarm clock for one specific wake up time. Regardless of whether you need to be up that early every day or not, getting used to a particular wake-up time will make it easier for your body to adjust more quickly as you head into 2021. 

Take Extra Good Care of Your Skin
The cold, harsh winter weather conditions are already tough on the skin, causing many of us to experience dryness, dullness, and/or irritation during these months. When you add high levels of stress to the mix, your skin becomes all the more vulnerable, increasing your chances of developing one or more of these concerns. This is because stress increases cortisol levels in your body, which can lead to hormonal imbalances and cause damage to the skin. For example, large amounts of cortisol levels can speed up the body’s natural aging process, resulting in the development or deepening of fine lines and wrinkles. That’s why the new year is the perfect time to truly buckle down on your skincare routine. 

Pro tip: If you haven’t already, consider upgrading your current skincare routine with some new products that better serve to support your skin during winter and into the new year. Switching to gentle, more hydrating products a sure-fire way to keep your skin properly protected. For men, this might mean switching to a moisturizing shaving gel or using beard oil to help protect and prevent dryness of the skin. For women, this might mean adding a nourishing face serum or a personalized anti-aging treatment to their winter skincare regime to further work to restore the skin and prevent any stress-induced aging symptoms from occurring.

Intentionally Schedule in Downtime 
Prioritizing your new year’s resolutions and day-to-day responsibilities should never take precedence over your “me time.” Believe it or not, having downtime actually serves to support your well-being and alleviate feelings of stress as it allows you to dedicate time to unwind and refocus your energy on giving back to yourself.  As you enter into 2021, remember to make an effort to intentionally schedule downtime for at least an hour or two a day. This way you can ensure that even in the midst of all the chaos, you’ll still be able to have peaceful moments to promote your health.

Pro tip: Make the most out of your downtime by practicing mindfulness that further serves to nurture your mind and body. Performing small self-care activities such as creative journaling or adult coloring can be a fun way for you to spend your me-time while simultaneously reducing stress levels and improving mindfulness and creativity. 

Ask for Help When You Need it
Last, but certainly not least, be sure to ask for help when you need it. This past year has undoubtedly been a struggle for all of us, especially in the wake of COVID-19. Don’t let yourself carry the burden of stress alone as this will only lead to wear and tear on your mental and physical well-being. Remind yourself that you are human and you’re entitled to feel the way that you do. If you’re still finding yourself struggling to manage your anxiety even after following the self-care strategies listed above, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone.  Remember, we’re all in this together!

Pro tip: If you’re not quite comfortable with speaking to a friend or family member about these personal issues, try turning to mental health resources online. There are plenty of certified therapists and psychologists that can be readily available to you with just a click of a button. Their judgment-free expertise will help you let go of stress and sequentially, cope and thrive during these uncertain times. 

Happy New Year!



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