Bring Exercise Into Your Creative Routine



Creativity – using your imagination, making something with your hands or with tools, getting lost in a moment of composing or writing or designing – is an important outlet for artists and non-artists alike. If you’ve made a resolution to add more creativity into your daily life, (or are simply trying to incorporate more creative opportunities throughout your day), chances are you’ve focused on making time to create, seeking a creative community, or building skills through practice and classes. What you might not have considered is: adding exercise to your creative routine. Today we are sharing three reasons exercising boosts your creativity.

  1. A fresh headspace. Exercise is a healthy way to shift your focus from daily tasks. Moving your body, focusing on breathing and movement, changing your mental environment – these activities opportunities for refreshing your inner landscape. Use exercise to process problems, focus on new goals, or clear your mind. (Psst…research shows that exercise actually helps you think more clearly.) Use exercise to unstick your creative block through a change of mental scenery. 

  2. Inspiration through movement. Creative inspiration comes from viewing the world in a new lens. Trying new activities, seeing new places, and changing up your routine are all sources of artistic inspiration. Jogging, walking, and biking are all forms of exercise that can introduce you to new sights and inspire creative inspiration. The aerobic movement itself can also pump your creativity: “Almost every dimension of cognition improves from 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, and creativity is no exception. The type of exercise doesn’t matter, and the boost lasts for at least two hours afterward.” (Newsweek).

  3. Physical impacts mental. Taking care of yourself physically has positive mental and emotional benefits. As a society we are problematically sedentary. Spending too much time sitting or lying down negatively affects sleep, metabolism, and overall health. Exercise is an essential part of self-care and part of a holistic approach to wellness. Exercising improves physical health, in turn boosting mental health and engendering the mental clarity and acuity that fuels creativity.

The upshot? Keep moving – physical energy begets creative energy. 

  • If you work long hours sitting down, take regular movement breaks. 

  • When planning your week, remember to incorporate 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity

  • Stop fighting for the closest parking spot in the grocery store parking lot – consider your walk to the store an opportunity for movement. 

  • Have a virtual dance party

Remember…caring for your body = caring for your mind = cultivating creativity. What are your favorite ways to exercise throughout the day? Share your thoughts on social media and tag us with #pixiteapps.



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